12 Years off alcohol and marijuana;

I am so humbled and privileged to be celebrating 12 Years Sober today. After I made 10 Years sober, a party was made for me. Shortly after, the great tests began. A fire that I had to pass through was lit. The amazing thing is that I lost what I lost in that fire. Maybe one day I’ll be able to openly talk about it. But I never lost my sobriety.

My sobriety is a testimony that a person can go through the deepest waters and most intense fires and still stay sober. How is that? The One who gave it to me was with me all the way.

Isaiah 43:2, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition;
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.

This gift of sobriety amazes me. After I got sober in 2012, I started rapping. I was in bars three to four days in a week, surrounded by much alcohol but Jesus (God as I understand Him) had done it! He took away the cravings. The alcohol in bars and all the other different places I performed at didn’t have anything on me.

This lifestyle of rapping went on till 2016. Three of four days in a week, I was performing in bars. I remember at one point, I sat with a friend in his car. He got his phone out and started snorting cocaine. I wasn’t bothered at all by it.

When I made 8 years sober, I entered into active service by doing an outreach in Kivulu. From then, I started doing an outreach on most weekends in different ghettos. Such environments like ghettos, can trigger a person. Jesus has always stood there by me, with me and protected me.

I’m very honoured and humbled to be part of the wave of hope in recovery that is sweeping over many.

I was born sober. That’s the image of God I was created in. Growing up, I went through some pain and trauma, then inevitably ran to alcohol to cope; distanced from the image of God I was created in.

In getting sober, there’s was redemption. Sobriety and recovery rooted in Jesus redeemed me back to the image of God I was created in. I don’t have to do anything to stay sober.

What does this period of sobriety mean to me?

It means that in 12 Years, I haven’t lost a phone due to drinking.

For 12 Years, I haven’t had a blackout.

For 12 Years, I have been sleeping in my own bed every day of the week.

For 12 Years, no one waited for me at home, worried that I’d come back home drunk at 4am.

For 12 Years, those close to me have had no conflict directly or indirectly related to addiction. They are at peace.

It means that for 12 Years, I haven’t lost a pair of shoes …

It means so much to me.

And today, I celebrate that!

