100 days of daily blogging

Never give up. Never surrender.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readAug 23, 2016


Let me see here. What’s the clichéd way to start these things?

Ah! Here it is!

I didn’t think I’d get to this point.

Hundreds of hours of typing and thinking, thinking and typing. Thousands upon thousands of words transferred from brain to page.

100 Chapters, 100 days of daily writing. It’s a big achievement.

I just wasn’t sure I’d have the commitment to make it to the triple digits.

Wait a second, scratch that. I’m lying.

Of course I knew I’d make it to 100. Just like I know I’ll make it to 365.

I don’t mean for that to sound cocky or arrogant, but I wouldn’t have started this journey if I didn’t believe I’d reach the one year mark. It’s a task written in mental stone, and I will not fail.

That being said, there’s a constant niggle of doubt that I will fail. Some days the niggle niggles more noticeably than on other days, and every so often it evolves in to an insufferable nuisance, prodding me to just give up and live the easy life.

But I bat the niggle away, because I have to. Pure, unending confidence in your ability doesn’t exist, nor does a consistent motivation to see out a commitment. So you just kind of pretend both do exist.

Fake it ‘til you make it and all that.

It’s how I’ve got to where I am right now. I’ve had no one ever properly teach me how to write, or how to shoot videos, or how to edit. I did it all once, and then just repeated it, over and over, pretending I knew what I was doing, waiting for someone to find me out.

So far, no one has, so I guess that means I’m doing alright.

100 Chapters in, and while not all of them have been up to my personal high standard, I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made.

Plus, hopefully by now I’ve inspired a few of you to pick up your own daily habits. Hopefully, I’ve shown you that by putting in some consistent graft, you quickly get a pretty decent return on investment.

If I haven’t inspired any of you, no big deal, but trust me when I say that dedicating a bit of my time to blogging every day is the best decision I’ve ever made. Period.

Sometimes, it’s just about the effort you put in.

QoTD #17

“Commitment is doing the thing you said you’d do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

- George Zalucki

Thanks for reading the big 1–0–0!

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