Shang shan jo shui

Which benefits the ten thousand things.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
1 min readOct 16, 2016


Best to be like water,
Which benefits the ten thousand things
And does not contend.
It pools where humans disdain to dwell,
Close to the Tao.

Live in a good place.
Keep your mind deep.
Treat others well.
Stand by your word.
Make fair rules.
Do the right thing.
Work when it’s time.

Only do not contend,
And you will not go wrong.

Read it how you will — and there are a lot of ways to read it — but, for me, there is no better section of Tao Te Ching than the above, section eight.

Time to update my ever growing list of really, really, ridiculously good books.

More on Tao Te Ching in later Chapters.

Thanks for reading Chapter 154! See y’all tomorrow.

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