Chapter 11 — This is getting a bit messy.

Chapter this. Chapter that.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
2 min readMay 26, 2016


I think I’m right to assume that, before I started tapping down these Chapters, most of you didn’t know what Medium was.

Some of you might still not have much clue about what Medium is, but hopefully you’ve checked it out at least once in the past 11 days. If you haven’t, shame on you.

My favourite thing about Medium, aside from how goddamn gorgeous it is to read and write on, is the fact you can create Publications.

Higher Thoughts is great, I’d highly recommend it… sorry.

Publications are these pretty little collections where you send all of your work to sit and look good.

I need one. These Chapters are alright sitting on my profile, but they’re not exactly shining on there. They deserve storage. After a year I’ll have a Book, and I’ll start a new Publication. How cool would that be?

The only problem is, I don’t have any idea what to call my Publication. I’m creatively stumped.

I considered Moving Mountains because of a song on Spotify that I relate to a ridiculous amount. Though when you compare that to Higher Thoughts, it’s a bit of a weak effort. Maybe the name should relate to the fact it only lasts a year. Something like 365 Degrees.

No. That’s terrible.

I need some help, please. Help me name my new publication. It has to be a serious suggestion, and it can’t include your name. Sorry, Ross.

Cya tomorrow.

As a footnote, yesterday’s Chapter was aimed at a bit of a specific audience. We’re back in the swing of things today; everyone can get involved in this fun activity.

