Chapter 23 — I’ve moved.

I change my mind a lot. This is another one of those occasions.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
4 min readJun 7, 2016


Me after having to move every single Chapter, one by one, to the new Publication. Credit:

You know how, a few weeks ago, I wrote a whole Chapter on how Moving Mountains is the perfect name for my Medium Publication?

Yeah, well I’ve slightly switched that arrangement up today. Don’t worry though, it’s in a smart, business-minded way. I think.

As you can probably see by taking a gander at the top of your screen, this Chapter is in a new Publication called Modern Street Talk. Those of you who have been reading since the very early posts will know that Modern Street Talk is my startup that aims to educate and inspire young freelancers and entrepreneurs.

So I was thinking a lot, like I do, and it suddenly occurred to me that I could just group all of writing together under one Publication: Modern Street Talk. Because what better way to attract attention towards the MST brand than to give it its own Publication and a wealth of content?


I do have a deeper meaning for doing this, mind.

I haven’t really talked much about my Entrepreneurial Spark interview since Chapter 5, but I probably should have.

I’ll be honest with you all, it knocked me back a little bit. After getting the No from them, I started to doubt my idea. Did it really have the legs to be as big as I wanted it to be? What was I actually trying to achieve and would I achieve it? Was it even good enough?

I still don’t know the exact answers to those questions, but I’m getting there. And asking myself those questions has made me re-think a lot of what I assumed was already good enough about MST. Because those things totally weren’t good enough.

The Modern Street Talk website, until a few days ago, was an absolute embarrassment. I’ve made it slightly more presentable now, but only through slapping a launcher page up until the end of August.

The lack of a website — and therefore a complete lack of any service whatsoever — means I can’t really get started how I want to on MST.

Then Medium came to my aid.

See, while I’m saving up the money to actually piece together some sort of website for MST, I need to be building the brand in to something that people recognise. Creating a Medium Publication for the brand is perfect for that.

I loved Moving Mountains as a Publication, but there was no logo for it. Nor was the header actually mine. I was cool to use it because of Creative Commons and all that, but I hadn’t actually played a role in creating that header.

With the new Modern Street Talk Publication, everything you can see has been created by me or by someone I’ve hired (which was Super Logo Boy Paddy for my logo). Every single bit of this Publication has my stamp of approval on it, and I’m proud of that fact.

My daily Chapters are still going to continue under the Moving Mountains tag. And all of the content I planned to create — interviews, features and stories with and about freelancers and startups — will fall under Features and Startup Stories (and whatever other sections I decide to add in the future).

It’s my attempt at making everything super organised and much more refined. I don’t want my writing to be spiking off in loads of different directions, it just makes the direction of said content all blurry and complicated.

So keep tuning in, and get ready for some content that isn’t just me talking all about myself.

Until tomorrow, ciao for now.

Thanks for taking the time to read my writings!

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