Chapter 59 — No, no, no, no, yes.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2016

I have an issue with saying no to networking opportunities. And football.

I thought it’d be a good idea to spend the whole day in the city centre doing some work before I head to an event on Deansgate at 6pm-8pm, followed by football at 9:20pm.

Now it’s suddenly dawning on me that football isn’t anywhere near Deansgate and I only have an hour and 20 minutes to get from the centre, back to the house, then to football.

I just wanted to do everything today though, I couldn’t bring myself to say no.

I enjoy saying yes, unless time or money forces me to say no. Usually it’s the latter, because being a (former)student with no full-time job means a lot of time but not an abundance of money.

Which is why Manchester is fantastic for creative/business people. There are loads of events every single week (if you know where to look) and most of them are free. If money is an issue, odds are you’re not going to be asked to pay. If time is an issue, just find another event.

It’s a city with a population that doesn’t make things difficult.

As for tonight’s event — Productivity -vs- Creativity. Is one at the expense of the other?it looks good.

Plus, it features a talk/interview from this guy: Mark Stringer.

Mark is the MD of Ahoy, a brand and web agency I’ve been a massive fan since I found out about them last year. They’re the geniuses behind Barburrito’s brilliant branding, and they’ve won a fair few awards.

All in all, a guy who is more than qualified to talk about balancing productivity and creativity. It’s set to be a decent evening.

I’ll be sure to make some mental notes and fill you all in on the event in tomorrow’s Chapter.

Time to network.

Thanks for reading!

As always, tap the little heart if you enjoy my stuff, and be sure to get in touch on Twitter and/or Instagram!

Medium on phone still doesn’t let me upload gifs so apologies guys, no gif of the day today.

