And I shook Lord Peter Mandelson’s hand in the process. I’ll take it.

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
3 min readJul 19, 2016


I’m not one for blowing my own trumpet. It feels big-headed and weird and unnecessary, but today I have a reason to shout about my achievements.

I just graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a 2:1 in Film and Media Studies and a bag-full of experience in my possession.

That’s me.

Today is the day it all (officially) came to an end. I’m no longer a student, regardless of how much I’ll still attempt to get a discount at Topman, a free McFlurry at McDonalds and 50% off my monthly Spotify fee.

Alas, those days have been and gone. I now have to pay full price for everything.

As for Graduation, it was great, although it dragged a little bit towards the end; there were just so many people.

Name after name after name after name.

My hands were that tired from all the clapping that I took a break and participated in the #SMLondon Tuesday morning twitterchat. Unsurprisingly, it was the first time someone had joined the chat while actually at their Graduation ceremony. Trendsetter.

Overall though, you can’t really complain about graduating. As long-winded as it is, it’s the end of a personal era and the sign that now, right now, adult life begins.

But for as big of a step that is, today itself was fantastic.

The early 6am rise has taken it out of me 12 hours later but a meal at Cosy Club in Manchester’s Corn Exchange lifted my spirits about 1pm. And then meeting up with Jonny and his family after lunch placed a cherry on top of the whole day.

Why? Because Jonny.

Jonny and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Close friends, not just “Alright mate” friends. Nah, we’re “You fancy a pint this weekend? Even though I haven’t seen you in 4 months” friends. It’s one of those strong, lasting friendships. Today, we graduated together.

Decent photo but damn, mortarboards make my head look long.

But, until today, we hadn’t seen each other in quite a while. Graduation was the day to meet up and catch up. Which is exactly what we did.

But the day is at an end now. I’m zonked and desperate for a lie-down. I’ve been forced to wear a long sleeved shirt and smart pants on the hottest day of the year.

This must be some sick joke.

Jonny, I couldn’t be happier that we finally caught up.

Coursemates, you guys have been amazing these last three years. To those of you I got to know best, I hope we stay in touch.

Mum and Dad, thanks for the constant love and support, both emotionally and financially. There isn’t a bone in my body that thinks I would’ve done here without you both.

Jen, let’s absolutely smash these next few months and years. We’ll be rich before we know it.


Catch you all tomorrow. I need to get home and slip in to some shorts.

Thanks for reading Chapter 65!

It’s another phone Chapter today because of how busy I am but do the usual.

Twitter and Instagram: EllMorrow.

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