What People Get Wrong About Swingers

I didn’t realize how much swingers are still shamed until I saw this comment

Sophie Rose
Modern Swinging


Photo by GoodStudio at shutterstock.com

I’ve been writing for public consumption for about 6 weeks, and thanks to an experimental article unexpectedly getting tons of views, I’ve had to get comfortable with people disagreeing with me.

On a recent story inspired by a swinger event (where swinging had nothing to do with the rest of the article), I received several comments about swingers. Most were about how shallow swingers were assumed to be, but there were others, including this one:

I would suggest that a group of swingers should not be the determining factor in any big decisions.

Excuse me? Those swingers are our friends.

When my husband and I first looked at opening our relationship, we started by exploring swinging. Swinging is defined as the practice of engaging in group sex or the swapping of sexual partners within a group, especially on a habitual basis. The broader umbrella of swinging-style sex is called “the lifestyle” or “LS” for short.

I won’t pretend that swingers don’t have their fair share of toxic people, just like any other group, but for the most part, swingers are just regular people.



Sophie Rose
Modern Swinging

My writing is as varied as my life: sex, sobriety, non-monogamy, books, research, relationships, and mental health are my favorite topics.