Living in Abundance

The right mindset can make all the difference.

Rich Quintyn
Modern Thoughts
3 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo by Raphael Rychetsky on Unsplash

It’s All In Your Head

The way you perceive and make sense of the world has a sizable impact on your results.

Abundance Mentality is one those mindsets that can dramatically alter our perception of the world.

It is a state of mind that welcomes opportunities by focusing on the abundant nature of what’s around us. In contrast to a mindset that is focused on limited options, believing in abundance allows us to see greater choice.

Abundant thinkers are the people who see the glass as being “half full”. Those that can find the good in any situation and take setbacks to be opportunities hidden in disguise.

Being optimistic, welcoming change, staying curious and resourceful are other traits that the abundant have in excess.

The Power of Options

Believing that there is always options is critical for moving through life. Whether in pursuit of our goals, working through problems or just navigating everyday life, we’re best served when we provide ourselves with options.

When working on specific challenges or projects, having an Abundance Mentality can help guide us to a solution. Free from attachment to a specific outcome, our field of view is broadened. What was previously hidden can now be seen clearly.

Now instead of ‘black and white’ choices, our world is a spectrum of options. This newfound vision allows us to see and take advantage of opportunities. We begin to act with the faith that there will always be more.

Over time continued abundant thinking leads to greater confidence in actions and increased positivity.

With some simple tweaks, we can shift our mindset in this direction and become more attuned to availability. Here’s two to get started.

Look for The Good

As humans we struggle with this, as self-preservation often takes precedence over growth. In loosening our focus, we can better see the good that’s happening around.

When we do, the positives start to colour our perception and things seem a bit brighter. Instead of defaulting to “what’s going wrong?” ask yourself “what’s going right?”. Find the good, no matter how small, and use it as a wedge to pivot the situation.

Practice Gratitude

Our lives are often full with everything we need. Yet, it can be difficult to see this reality. Practicing gratitude helps to grow our appreciation for what we have and how far we’ve come.

From Oprah Winfrey: “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”

Living in a modern, capitalist society the emphasis is on the attainment of more. By taking time out from this pursuit and acknowledging what we have, we begin to see the existing abundance in our lives. All it takes is just a few minutes once or twice daily, taking notice of the small things that bring us joy.

Where in your life do you apply Abundant Thinking?

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Rich Quintyn
Modern Thoughts

Lover of tech, new ideas and making things better. I write about sales, startups, entrepreneurship and innovation. I was a pizza maker in a past life.