The Magic of the Morrigan

Amanda Wilson
Modern Witch
Published in
10 min readJul 9, 2020


Shedding Light on the Dark Goddess

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

As ‘newbie’ witches, we think we can light a candle, pick an altar cloth based on a correspondence list in the back of some “Intro to Witchcraft” book, say the right words, and poof! All of our major life problems are solved. Sorry, but it doesn’t work like that. Real change, such as manifesting a new car after you total yours (like in my case), takes real power. I mean a lot of power, like that of the Morrigan.

Many books that introduce Wicca or witchcraft will include a section about common Pagan pantheons, and which deities to call upon for various magical goals, i.e., call on Brigit for creativity, Aphrodite for love, Cerridwen for herb magic, you get the idea. If you treat the gods like Santa Claus, calling on them to add energy to your spells like a child sends Santa a wish list, then chances are not many of your spells have worked. You must develop a relationship with a deity before you can expect them to help you. This is particularly true for the Morrigan. And keep in mind, the gods have their own wants and needs, so be prepared to have them ask you for something in return. (FYI, if that happens, you have every right to negotiate with the god or goddess to make sure that you can carry out their request).

Meet the Morrigan



Amanda Wilson
Modern Witch

Amanda Wilson is living her best life and is on a mission to help others do the same. Amanda is a published author, writer/editor, witch & SAHM of 2 boys.