5 Simple Techniques to Help You Master Remote Learning

If you’ve been struggling with remote learning, this one’s for you!

Kristina H.
Modern Woman


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Last year brought on a lot of struggles for a lot of people, and one of them is remote learning. There has recently been a lot of discussion on the drawbacks of remote learning. NGO “Save the Children” is estimating that over 34 thousand children will drop out of school in Italy alone by the end of the year because of poor internet connections and a general lack of focus.

Aside from the connection problems, children especially need extra support and structure that schools provide. There are many issues we can all think of when it comes to traditional schools: from the schedule being all wrong (kids should be allowed to sleep longer in the morning), the curriculum being too overwhelming (a problem that keeps coming up in Croatia), the schoolbooks being too heavy, to schools killing creativity, as sir Ken Robinson put it. But there are also many benefits.

Having a schedule, having a person whose whole purpose is to answer your questions and explain things to you in ways that most parents were just nor prepared for… all of that helps with the feeling that things are not only under control but like they are on track. While these tips are more suited for university students, they could easily be…

