Book Recommendations for March 2021

Looking for something great to read? Look no further! I’ll bring you new book recommendations every month.

Kristina H.
Modern Woman


Photo by the Bialons on Unsplash

In this ongoing series, you can expect new book recommendations every month. The recommendations will be influenced by my personal preference and may not suit everyone’s taste.

This month to celebrate International Women’s Day, I recommend three female-centered works.

If you do give the books a try, don’t hesitate to come back for a discussion!

A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf


This is a book that I always recommend to people when they ask me for a feminist book. It’s an essay based on two lectures. It’s short, beautiful, and to the point. It’s one of the five books I think every woman should read.

Woolf focuses on one important aspect of female liberation — financial independence — in her proclamation:

A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write.

Invisible Women…

