Don’t Rely on New Year’s Resolutions

Your life is happening today.

Kristina H.
Modern Woman


Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

I am not here to bash on New Year’s Resolutions. They’re great and they can be very useful. There is something extremely comforting and revitalising about them. Just like most people, I like starting fresh on the first day of the new year. I just think we might need to tweak resolutions a little bit to actually get them to work.

Boiling Frog and Resistance

It takes about two months (a little over 60 days) to form a new habit and, depending on the habit, it may take even longer to reap the benefits of it.

So, let’s say that you decide to meditate every day starting in January. You will sit down on January 1st, or maybe 2nd, with some guided meditation you found on YouTube after you realised that you had decided to try this thing but didn’t do any research on it in advance, and you’re pretty hungover and tired, and all you really want to do is just stay on the couch and watch Home Alone for the gazillionth time… ahem, what were you supposed to be doing? Oh, right! Meditation. Maybe you could just postpone it until tomorrow. Or, like, next week. You’ll have some more time and inspiration then. Maybe you’ll do it after the movie, or after you check your phone, or after dinner, or after you brush your teeth, or after…

