10 Mindfulness Exercises That Are (Supposedly) Stress-Busting

Easing the Mind, Easing the Stress

Jo Knows
Modern Women
3 min readAug 27, 2023


Photo by Savanna Goldring from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-sports-bra-and-black-pants-sitting-on-rock-5184327/

We all know the drill – life gets hectic, stress levels rise, and suddenly you're considering a career change to become a professional hermit. But wait, before you pack your bags for that remote cave, there might be a simpler solution: mindfulness exercises! Yes, those mystical practices that promise to make you feel centered and zen-like. These 10 mindfulness exercises could potentially rescue you from the brink of a stress-induced meltdown.

1. The "Deep Breaths Like You Mean It" Technique

Step 1: Inhale.
Step 2: Exhale.

Who knew oxygen could be so calming? Just make sure your co-workers don't mistake your deep breaths for an impending meteor strike.

2. The "Stare Intently at a Random Object" Method

Choose an object. It could be a paperclip, a stapler, or that one office plant that's miraculously still alive. Stare at it intensely, and let the profound wisdom of inanimate objects soothe your soul. And yes, it's totally normal to have a conversation with your coffee mug. It's called bonding.

3. The "Mindful Eating (AKA Savor That Snack)" Ritual

Take a bite of your snack. Chew it slowly. Feel the texture, taste the flavors. Pretend you're a food critic analyzing a five-star meal, even if it's just a slightly overripe banana. Who knew mindfulness could make a PB&J sandwich feel like a gourmet experience?

4. The "Walk Like You're in a Nature Documentary" Expedition

Take a walk. Pretend you're narrating a wildlife documentary as you stroll. "And here we see the elusive office worker in its natural habitat, venturing forth on a quest for caffeine." Bonus points for imitating David Attenborough's voice.

5. The "Phone, Who?" Game

Switch your phone to silent. Place it face down. Pretend you're a secret agent, and your mission is to ignore the digital world for a few minutes. Warning: resisting the urge to flip your phone over may require advanced self-control skills.

6. The "Jedi Mind Trick" Maneuver

Close your eyes. Imagine you have the power to move objects with your mind. Attempt to levitate your pen. If it actually works, congratulations – you've graduated from mindfulness to wizardry.

7. The "Hum Your Stress Away" Symphony

Hum a tune. Any tune. Hum it like you're auditioning for a choir made up entirely of bathroom singers. It doesn't matter if it's Beethoven or the latest pop hit. Humming is scientifically proven to make you feel a tad less frazzled. Probably.

8. The "Desk Drum Solo" Performance

Turn your desk into a makeshift drum kit. Tapping your fingers rhythmically on the table not only releases tension but also doubles up as an impromptu office concert. Coworkers may applaud or question your sanity – it's a win either way.

9. The "Counting Backwards Like a Space Mission" Technique

Count backward from 100. Pretend you're the captain of a rocket ship preparing for launch. The lower the numbers go, the lighter your stress levels become. Just try not to accidentally launch yourself out of your chair when you reach zero.

10. The "Mindful Daydreaming" Escape

Close your eyes and daydream. Imagine you're on a tropical island, solving a mystery with a talking dolphin sidekick. Inhale the imaginary ocean breeze and let the stress wash away, even if your dolphin friend insists on reciting bad jokes.

In the quest for stress relief, mindfulness exercises might not turn you into a zen master overnight, but they sure will provide some stress relief along the way. Remember, a hearty laugh is a surefire way to lower stress, even if you're humming off-key or engaging in serious pen levitation experiments. So go forth, embrace the silliness, and discover your own unique path to stress relief, one mindful exercise at a time.



Jo Knows
Modern Women

"🌟 Living life one meme at a time 🤪 | Chief Procrastinator and Netflix Connoisseur 📺 | Part-time superhero, full-time pizza enthusiast 🍕 | Trying to adult.