10 Signs You’re Absolutely Nailing The Day

Fantastic signs of happiness

Jo Knows
Modern Women
3 min readAug 30, 2023


Photo by Alexas Fotos: https://www.pexels.com/photo/illuminated-qoute-board-2255441/

We’ve all had those days when everything seems to be going just right. Your coffee is the perfect temperature, your hair is cooperating, and even the traffic lights are magically turning green as you approach. If you’re wondering whether you’re having one of those fantastic days, here are ten uproarious signs.

  1. Your Alarm Clock Pulls a Houdini: Instead of rudely interrupting your dreams, your alarm clock seems to have taken a day off. You wake up at the exact time you intended, as if you’ve negotiated a "no alarms" truce with time itself.
  2. Your Hair Is On Fleek (Without the Effort): You know it’s a great day when your hair is cooperating so well that it looks like you’ve just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. Forget bad hair days – it’s all about those "fab hair effortlessly" days!
  3. Socks are Secretly Telepathic: As you stumble into your closet, you grab two socks and miraculously, they’re a perfect match! It’s like your socks have become telepathic and coordinated themselves without your input.
  4. Traffic Lights Do Your Bidding: You’re driving to work, and every single traffic light switches to green as you approach. It’s like you’ve gained the power to control traffic lights with your mind – a superhero in the making!
  5. Coffee Stains Form Masterpieces: Your coffee, instead of betraying you with an accidental spill, creates a beautiful artwork on your desk. It’s abstract, avant-garde, and definitely more captivating than anything in a modern art museum!
  6. No Lines, No Waiting: Whether it’s at the coffee shop or the grocery store, you’re met with empty lanes and zero waiting time. It’s like everyone heard about your amazing day and decided to give you a break.
  7. You Speak Fluent Animal: Dogs wag their tails in agreement, cats purr with joy, and birds sing in harmony as you pass by. It’s as if you’ve suddenly unlocked the universal language of animals and they’re all applauding your awesomeness.
  8. Your Phone Gains Compliment-Worthy Photography Skills: Every photo you take – whether it’s a selfie or a snapshot of your lunch – looks like it belongs on the cover of a magazine. Say cheese, because your phone’s inner photographer is going pro!
  9. Your Elevator is Only Express: You step into an elevator, press your floor number, and somehow, it zips straight to your destination without making any unnecessary stops. It’s almost like the elevator is as excited about your day as you are!
  10. Puns Are Unstoppable: Your wit reaches legendary levels as puns flow effortlessly from your lips. People around you burst into laughter and applaud your comedic genius – it’s like you’ve been transformed into a stand-up comedian overnight.

So, if you’re experiencing any of these side-splitting signs, congratulations – you’re definitely having an unforgettable day! Remember to enjoy the little moments and keep spreading those good vibes wherever you go. Who knows, maybe your next great day will involve unicorns and rainbows? Keep dreaming, superstar!



Jo Knows
Modern Women

"🌟 Living life one meme at a time 🤪 | Chief Procrastinator and Netflix Connoisseur 📺 | Part-time superhero, full-time pizza enthusiast 🍕 | Trying to adult.