18 Powerful And Positive Affirmations For NEW Moms

New mom? 18 positive affirmations to be a great mom, even if you have negative thoughts.

Monika Malan
Modern Women
7 min readAug 26, 2022


Smiling woman with text: New mom? 18 positive affirmations to be a great mom
Image created by author in Canva

The nurse places this tiny, perfect new baby in your arms.

You just stare at this little human being you are now suddenly in charge of. The responsibility is overwhelming, scary, and exciting all at the same time.

I’m A Mom Now?

Being a new mom is probably not at all what you expected.

Nothing can prepare you for severe sleep deprivation.

And the sheer number of daily decisions you have to make that directly impact another human being is scary.

To top it all off, breastfeeding does not come as naturally as everyone would have you believe.

New mothers are under a lot of pressure to be perfect.

And when you try your best to be the perfect mother but feel like you don’t know what you are doing, it’s easy to second-guess every move you make.

The Perfect Mom Doesn’t Exist

There is no such thing as the perfect mother.

You can be a good mother. And you can be the best mom for your baby.

And while it’s natural to keep trying to be a better mom, it’s essential to realize that you can’t possibly make everyone happy.

There are so many different ways of doing things, from breastfeeding and bathing your baby to introducing solids and sleep training.

And each method will have you believe if you don’t follow their teachings to the letter, you’re just not good enough.

But here’s the thing:

Most of these methods are just not practical. And it’s not tailored to your unique situation.

Yet it’s so easy to feel mom-guilt for not doing everything by the book.

It’s an impossible situation to be in. And realize that even the best mother in the world can’t meet all of society’s expectations.

It’s Easy To Have Negative Feelings

It’s tough being a new mom:

  • You feel “mom guilt” because you can’t meet society’s expectations.
  • You experience sleep deprivation on a level you never thought possible.
  • This leads to stress levels that are through the roof.
  • And your mental health is spiraling downward by the day.

When you’re having a hard time, mama, just know that you are not alone.

Other mommies are going through the same things, and I promise you, the “perfect” image they are portraying on social media is a lie.

There is no such thing as the perfect mother.

Postpartum Depression And Anxiety

When one bad day follows another, and you’re having a hard time coping, you could suffer from postpartum depression or anxiety.

Sadly, 10–20% of women experience significant mood disorders after childbirth, and studies show that 1 in 5 women with postpartum mood problems keeps quiet.

Mama, these illnesses are real.

When you are going through tough times, speak up. Get help.

Who Should Use These Affirmations?

You don’t need to suffer from postpartum depression or anxiety to use and benefit from positive affirmations.

Being a first-time mom is a highly stressful time in your life:

  • You experience a massive identity shift in how you perceive yourself.
  • You mourn the life you had before your baby and wonder whether you made a mistake.
  • Then you feel guilty for thinking these thoughts because you do love your baby.
  • Your hormones are all over the place as your body tries to readjust after giving birth.
  • The sense of responsibility in caring for another human life is overwhelming.
  • Sleep deprivation takes a significant toll on you, mentally and physically.
  • You feel alone and afraid to speak up because being a mom should “come naturally”.
  • And you have no idea what you are doing and whether you are doing it right. That sense of insecurity can completely demoralize you.

Powerful, positive affirmations can help you cope, regain confidence in yourself, and validate your emotions.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

When the bad moments keep piling up, it’s easy to slip into negative self-talk and make a bad moment even worse.

Positive affirmations are statements you repeat to yourself often — at least daily — to counter negative thoughts.

Why Use Daily Affirmations?

Daily positive affirmations are a powerful tool to make a substantial positive impact on your life.

Your Baby’s Happiness

Your child needs his mother to be happy, healthy, and functioning for many reasons:

  1. From a survival perspective, your child needs you to meet their physical needs, such as providing shelter, food, and clothing.
  2. Studies have shown that the happier the mother is, the happier and healthier the baby.
  3. You are your child’s lifelong teacher, so you want to model to your child how to be a happy and positive adult.

Your Subconscious Mind

When you repeat positive phrases regularly, over time, it will result in an overall positive mindset.

You will also reach a stage where you subconsciously believe these statements, making it much easier to deal with your day-to-day challenges.

Motherhood Affirmations

A list of positive affirmations specifically aimed at new moms will:

  • Help you understand that you are NOT alone.
  • Validate your emotions — it is normal to feel this way.
  • Address your specific insecurities as a mom.
  • Give you permission to do acts of self-care.

Positive mom affirmations have made a massive difference in my life.

PS: Read until the end for FREE printable affirmation cards aimed specifically to help you as a new mom.

Your Mental Health

One of the benefits of positive affirmations is that they will help reduce your feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Your stress levels will decrease, positively impacting your interactions with your baby and helping you bond with him.

More Benefits Of Daily Affirmations

There are also other benefits to daily affirmations:

  • You learn to trust yourself.
  • Your self-confidence will improve.
  • You learn to be kind to yourself.
  • You know and believe that you are a good mom.
  • Your happiness will increase.
  • You will enjoy motherhood more.
  • You learn to accept that you are worthy of love.
  • Your emotional health will improve.
  • You know to be more mindful, to enjoy the present moment.
  • You spend less time worrying about what other moms think and do.
  • You start to speak up for yourself and your needs.

I could go on, but you get my drift.

Daily, positive affirmations helped me through some challenging and dark times, and they can do the same for you.

How To Use Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool for creating a positive attitude.

To get the best results from your list of affirmations, print them out, cut out each affirmation and then stick them all over the place. Preferably the places where you hang out the most. Places like:

  • The refrigerator door.
  • Next to your computer keyboard.
  • Your mirror.
  • In the TV room.
  • The place where you feed your baby.

That way, every time your eye catches one of the affirmations, you will be reminded to repeat the affirmation to yourself.

If you want to keep your affirmations more private, print out the list and keep it with you. Then dedicate a few minutes each day to read through them.

Amid the chaos that is motherhood, these positive statements will keep you grounded and focused on what is essential: Your mental health and well-being.

Repetition Is Key

Repetition is where the magic happens.

Simply reading through the list of powerful affirmations once will not make a difference in your life. You need to see and read that affirmation so many times you can recite it to yourself with your eyes closed.

That will ensure that, over time, the power of those affirmations moves from your conscious thoughts to your subconscious.

So repeat the list of positive mom affirmations until you can feel it and believe it in your soul.

Your Baby Needs A Happy Mother

In your motherhood journey, there will come a moment when you realize you must do things your own way to be a better mother.

So when you look at that tiny, perfect baby in your arms, remember that your baby needs you.

And THAT is the most important part of being a mom.

Happy mommy = happy baby.

So at the end of the day, do what you have to to survive the craziness that is motherhood, mama.

I believe in you.

18 Powerful And Positive Affirmations For NEW Moms

Here are 18 daily affirmations for you, mama.

You can also find the download for the printable version by entering your details below.

  1. I am a kickass mom.
  2. I ask for help when I need it.
  3. I don’t care what other moms do.
  4. My body is freaking amazing for growing a human life.
  5. I won’t be sleep-deprived forever.
  6. I trust my instincts.
  7. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent, everyone struggles.
  8. I’m a superhero mom, but even superheroes need help.
  9. I am a boss at taking care of myself.
  10. I say no when I feel uncomfortable.
  11. I give the finger to people who judge me or my decisions.
  12. I know what’s best for my kids and me.
  13. I am strong, and I kick butt.
  14. Self-care isn’t “me, first”. It’s “me, too”.
  15. I speak up for myself.
  16. I love myself because I am amazing.
  17. I forgive my mistakes and celebrate all the fantastic things I do right.
  18. I do not need to be a control freak.

Download your FREE affirmations here.


  • Cell Press. “Postpartum depression and anxiety distinct from other mood disorders, brain studies suggest.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 January 2017.
  • North Carolina State University. “One in five women with postpartum mood disorders keep quiet.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 August 2017.

