5 Signs Your Job Is Like a Bad Boyfriend

If you never leave, you’ll never find a better job

Cassandra Wulff
Modern Women


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My eggs were all in one basket.

If I could prove I was more than capable, then perhaps I could gain more responsibility. Maybe even some more dollars in my paycheck. So, I took work home. Each evening I’d sit in front of the TV doing all the mundane bits and pieces of my job. It started as simple things, like sorting paperwork and stuffing envelopes.

It meant I could devote all my time at work to “doing the job.” Hopefully, I’d impress my boss with my organizational skills. I was playing the corporate game. And I had no clue how to win. Or what winning even looked like.

I wasn’t in an equal relationship with my job. It rapidly consumed my time, and if you added in all my overtime hours, I was paid a pittance.

When we are unhappy with a significant other, it can be easy to identify the signs and end the relationship. But what about when those same signs show up in your job? Many people find themselves in positions that don’t provide job satisfaction. Yet they keep plodding along because they don’t know any better.

So, what are the signs that tell us it’s time to pack up and move on?

Sign 1: Intrusive



Cassandra Wulff
Modern Women

Rewriting the Narrative of Relationships. Life learner, Storyteller, Favourite Auntie, Mistake Maker, and Amused Observer.