5 Simple Ways to Improve Our Relationships

It’s not just about being nice

Nidarshana Sharma
Modern Women
2 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

We all want to be popular. It stems from our deep-rooted need to belong. It’s nice to know that people want to be associated with us or want to get to know us better. And no matter how much you lie to yourself, you need people. We are social animals, after all.

In my observation of people, I have found that those with many good friends do a few things. Sometimes, they are born with these qualities, and if they’re not, they develop them.

We don’t listen when we should. So, be a listener

We all know that being a good listener is a great way to find friends.

And in this Information Age, everyone wants to talk. They listen so they can talk. They consume so they can talk.

Talkers need listeners. So, listen.

Ask questions and be genuinely interested in people

When you truly listen, you tend to have questions sometimes. So, be curious.

Ask people about their lives. Go beyond the generic.

Find out about that meeting they were nervous about, get curious about their interests and hobbies, and they will love you for it.

Laugh at yourself

There’s quite nothing like someone who can be self-deprecating. It shows others that you are comfortable with yourself and cognizant of the fact that you come with your flaws.

So, learn to accept certain shortcomings and not take them too seriously.

Doing > Talking

If you want people to like you, you must be ready to do the things you say you will do for them. If you want to take them shopping, don’t just say it, do it. If you say you’re just a call away, be it.

Integrity is a dying quality. We find it easier to build superficial relationships over a few drinks. Build a longer one over coffee instead.

Protect yourself

It might sound counterintuitive but sometimes being a little selfish about your feelings can work wonders in improving your relationships with others.

Contrary to what most of us think, just being there can come off as being too desperate and needy.

What you can do instead is put yourself first, from time to time, so that others don’t walk all over you.

When you guard your space, you tell people that you’re nice but have boundaries that nobody can cross. Most people will learn to respect you for it.

It’s not necessary to have a lot of friends or be liked by everyone. However, it is important to have meaningful relationships with people. And that takes work.

A good vibe will attract the best tribe!



Nidarshana Sharma
Modern Women

Movies, dance, fitness. I write about the things and people that inspire me and experiences that shaped me.