6 Self-Esteem Boosting Tips For Women Who Need That Extra Push

Healthy self-esteem is essential for a woman’s overall mental and emotional well-being.

Victoria Taylor
Modern Women
3 min readJan 11, 2023


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When self-esteem is low, it affects us both in the present (e.g. anxiety, depression, relationships) and in the future (career/job goals, relationships, life outlook, etc.). We hear about the importance of self-esteem, but it can be hard to know where to start to boost our own.

Be proud of who you are

If you’re not proud of who you are, it will be challenging to build up your self-esteem.

How to be proud of yourself?

  • Start by reminding yourself of all of your unique qualities and assets. If you’re struggling with things, ask your friends and family what they love about you.
  • Write down a list of all your positive attributes. Keep this list close to you so you can refer to it whenever you need a little boost.
  • If you struggle with low self-esteem, you may need to seek professional help. A therapist can assist you in challenging any opposing thoughts or feelings you may have about yourself. They can also offer you strategies to help you accept yourself as you are.

Take care of your body

How you treat your body has a significant impact on your self-esteem. If you aren’t eating correctly or exercising, it will be challenging to feel good about yourself.

  • Start eating a balanced diet. Don’t forget to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Take a vitamin supplement.
  • Start exercising. Ensure you always give your body enough rest between workouts to avoid overtraining.
  • Improve your mental health because it’s just as important as your physical health. Start with meditations or listen to a CBT audio session in the Sensera app.

Treat your body well, and it will reward you with increased energy levels, improved mood, and better self-esteem.

Surround yourself with positive people

Surrounding yourself with positive people who think you are amazing, just as you are, is essential. Whenever you’re hanging out with friends who constantly put you down or make you feel bad about yourself, it’s time to make new friends. You don’t have to cut these people out of your life completely, but make sure you limit your time with them as much as possible.

You can also ensure that your online presence is positive and supportive. You need to change your environment if you constantly get attacked by trolls online. Block, delete, and ignore these people if possible. You can also make an effort to find like-minded people online and engage with them instead.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparison is the thief of joy. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your journey to someone else’s. However, you have no idea what they have been through to get to where they are. You also don’t know what they are going through at the moment. You should instead be focusing on your journey. You can’t change the past, but you can change your future. All you need to do is make a few adjustments to your life to start heading in the right direction.

Celebrate the Little Achievements

All too often, we fail to recognize our accomplishments and achievements, regardless of how small. It’s important to take a step back and remember the more minor successes, as they can add up over time and help us to gain a better understanding of our own capabilities and worth. Celebrate all the small successes, no matter how insignificant they may seem, in order to boost your self-esteem.

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can be one of the biggest “self-esteem killers” and is an easy habit to slip into. To boost your self-esteem, remind yourself of the positive things you have done and the positive qualities you possess. This can be done through affirmations, mantras, or simply repeating positive statements to yourself.


Building up your self-esteem isn’t easy, but it is definitely worth it. The more time and energy you put towards improving your confidence, the sooner you will see results. Remember, you are amazing and deserve to feel good about yourself. If you follow these tips, you can build up your self-esteem and feel happier in your skin.



Victoria Taylor
Modern Women

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: https://sensera.app