A Few Freedoms Missing in the U.S.

Signs of a civilized society I wish we had in America

Anastasia Frugaard
Modern Women


Photo by Oleg Chursin on Unsplash

I’m sitting on the couch in my home in London, where I’ve been lucky to spend a few months this year, and thinking of our home back in America, contemplating a possible return, and wondering about all the freedoms we should have, like our European neighbors, but we don’t.

Despite the promises of “liberty for all,” the U.S. still lacks in many departments, compared to other civilized countries. I’m not even talking abortion rights, just looking at the basics.

Because without the basics, how can you build a society that’s truly good for all?

Good public transport — freedom to move

Good public transportation is so much more than a European gimmick — it’s freedom. Freedom to go anywhere you want anytime without having to buy a car, get a driver’s license, pay for car insurance and gas and spend countless hours in traffic. Freedom to have a drink and fall asleep on the train ride home and not behind the wheel. And freedom to move and be active for children instead of being stuck in the car seat.

I experienced this many times, having moved from New York to California, then to Europe, back to California and back to Europe. Every time I landed in a…



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