A Half-Filled Minute

A Reflection on Motherly Idleness


Photo by on Unsplash

There's an apple core on the table.
A several-weeks-delayed package to wrap and drop at the post office.
A toddler quickly growing dissatisfied with his crib time upstairs.

Holiday gifts to select and buy.
Monday lunches to make.
Dental cleanings to schedule.

Extra clothes to bag and donate.
Anniversary wine to drink.

Fourth grade agendas to sign.
First grade math tests to praise.
Spirit weeks to endure.

Instead, now, I drink warm creamy coffee.
Dipping into my couch
Watching my kid play a favorite video game
And writing.

It looks like a self-care minute.
But it's really just one minute.
A single minute among countless that belong to others.
A minute I work hard for and can't predict.
A minute minute of reward.



Margaret Reaske Robitaille
Modern Women

she/her/hers ~ Fort Leavenworth, KS ~ Instagram @milspouseoralhistoriesproject @thisisheaven_haiku