After You Get His First Text

It might be the beginning of heaven or hell for you

Words by Egypt
Modern Women
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

Oh, the excitement. You two have recently connected through a friend/online/ at an event/at the grocery store or wherever

You exchange numbers and so it goes. You anticipate this exchange as the beginning of something magical and wonderful.

But after you get his first text, when you’re still wrapped in the haze of excitement, please wonder about this ladies

It could be the beginning of….

It could be the beginning of the end of your freedom

The beginning of the manipulation and mind games

The beginning of the loss of your sense of self

The beginning of you creating a fantasy of who he is

The beginning of you losing your independence and trust in your instincts

The beginning of you starting to question your sound judgement

The beginning of you justifying his poor treatment of you

The beginning of you losing control of how you spend your free time

The beginning of being so wrapped up in his desires and dreams

The beginning of loosening of your boundaries

This could also be the end of…

The end of your ability to have 100% ownership of your life

The end of your friendships with other people

The end of you having a peaceful evening without strife

The end of your freedom to dress up the way you like

The end of having non-romantic male friendships

The end of girls night out or in

The end of nurturing your connections with your family and supportive community

The end of your right to say no to physical intimate advances

The end of your dreams

The end of your peace of mind

The end of your belief in your capabilities

The end of your sense of serenity and independence

So that new guy that is giving you sparkles In your eye and butterflies in your tummy, could be the same man who will make your life a living hell and lace your heart with poison and endless anxiety down the line.

I write this not to discourage you from embarking on a new relationship, but to encourage you to keep this healthy perspective when navigating the early days.

Perspective is everything. We can choose to love with our hearts and head. That way we can keep a clear mind, and sound judgement whilst getting to know someone new.



Words by Egypt
Modern Women

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.