All Hail the Heirs of Entitlement

The Domino Effect of Privilege

V Ernst
Modern Women
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo by Kats Weil on Unsplash

I see you, Fancy Name Jr the Third
Next to your Lilly Pulitzer-clad slightly anorexic girlfriend
Tossing cocktails back on the expansive lawn
Of your grandparents house
On your long weekend break
From the finance job your dad got you in Boston
Where all of your lax bro buddies from your top ten college live too
Driving your designer SUVs while proclaiming you care about climate change
Showing up to work hungover half the days
After nights out partying and practicing your misogyny on your female peers
While maybe considering date raping them later.

Oh and don’t forget you must take a photo and send it into the college magazine
But first put on your Ray Bans and hold your craft beers
to look effortlessly cool
So all the undergrads you left behind will know
You have made it
And they can strive to walk your well-worn path
So that the cycle will continue
And the elitists will stay elite

Well I am taking off my name brand clothing
No, not a strip-tease for you
Instead a declaration of my independence
From this backward system
That I’m told I should feel lucky to be part of
Which too easily indoctrinates you young men to be subtle sexists
And orders young women to blindly shrug it off
With the help of wine or medication
Despite the fact that our diplomas are exactly the same as yours.



V Ernst
Modern Women

Woman, mother, wife, artist…but before any of those I was a writer. Now ready to commit.