A tale of revenge

Faina Galina
Modern Women
5 min readJul 15, 2024


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Stella (POV)

I met Carla on my second day of university. Never imagined her existence would severely alter my life in the following years, and she would become the misery of my existence. I believed she was a friend, but she became the lesson I never expected to learn.

Carla Steeds was a stunning young woman with caramel blonde hair and blue-deep ocean eyes that could drown you in depth. She possessed the power, and she was well aware of how she was using it to manipulate the weak, innocent, and pure soul. I felt I was stupid at first, but then I realized I was only a pawn, like everyone who had never met Carla Steeds.

Anyways, back to when I met her when I started my master’s degree at the University of Stirling. I recently received a scholarship; otherwise, my paralyzed father and mother, who worked as a nurse hardly had enough money to handle our financial needs and would have been unable to finance it. I was quite fortunate to be able to study at such a prominent university to secure a decent career as an English lit instructor at the University of Glasgow or maybe where I am currently studying. You never know where life takes you.

After the lecture, I went to the cafeteria to get some iced americano to refuel because working last night on filling homemade kimchi in hundreds of jars for my aunt’s side business, for which I am well compensated by her, had exhausted me and I couldn’t concentrate during the first lecture.

Thank thing Professor Darla didn’t catch me yawning; otherwise, I might have received some glares, which are not pleasant.

I want to be in her good books and in the eyes of other professors since there is a potential that I will be their assistant in the future, which is a step closer to my ambition.

After ordering my coffee, I felt a tap on my shoulder, which led me to Carla. She wore an emerald A-line dress that highlighted her blue eyes and delicate skin. Her golden hair was wrapped in a tight high ponytail that highlighted her beautiful cheekbones. She looked to be gorgeous, but I got strange sensations from her, maybe from the way she stared at me.

And then I realized I was already on my way to her.

An uneasy smile came on my face, and I was prepared to walk away while mumbling,

“Apologies,” I said when she stopped me.

“I think you didn’t recognize me, Stella?”

I glanced at her pleasant face; my eyes filled with inquiries.

“My apologies! I didn’t.”

Her smirk spread wider.

“I am Carla Steeds. I suppose you didn’t recognize me. Benefits of being a backbencher. Hahaha.”

She presented herself in a lighthearted manner, which clashed with her vibe and clothes. I suppose I shouldn’t judge books by their covers.

“I am Stella. Stella Hong.”

I lifted my hand to shake hands with her and introduce myself.

She returned by shaking my hand.

“Ah! Nice to meet you, Stella. I did not realize you were Asian.”

It’s because I don’t look much like my paternal side; aside from inheriting my father’s dark eyes, my entire appearance is identical to that of my Scottish mother.

“I’m half Asian from my father’s side.”

I responded by shrugging; in the meanwhile, the bartender called my name so that I could get my order.

“Nice to meet you, Carla. See you later.”

Even though I didn’t intend to since I didn’t think she was the sort of girl to hang out with Stella Hong. Not because I was judgmental, but because I knew where I stood and don’t belong in their class, but fate had other intentions, as she stopped me again.

“Wait for me. I’ll just order my frap and then we can leave the café together. We still have time for the second lecture.

Before I could make an excuse, she went to the counter, and I went to collect my drink from the other one.

After that, I had to wait for her because I didn’t want to create a negative impression in front of her; you have no idea these people can spread tales about you, and I couldn’t afford it right now. Again, I’m not being judgmental, just being cautious.

Within a few minutes, she approached me with her drink in her manicured hand.

“I didn’t think you would wait for me but thank you for that.”

Her tone was loaded with wittiness, which made me cringe at my negative views about her.

“No problem.”

I grinned shyly as I sipped my Americano.

“Let’s go.”

Nonetheless, I followed her lead.

“So, you don’t have any friends?”

She asked me when we were walking.

“This is my second day over here. How would I make friends so quickly? Plus, I’m an introvert who finds it difficult to meet new acquaintances.

“But you appear okay while speaking with me; you only need to break the ice with a few odd phrases. Being lonely is not pleasant. I can’t fathom being without a buddy. It’s my second day, but everyone has become aware of me except you, who nagged me a little.”
I smiled.

“So that is why you approached me. Is this a challenge or dare issued by others to disrupt my habit of behavior? Or your ego was injured because I did not acknowledge you.”

I thought my statements would anger her, but she burst out laughing, revealing her dazzling white teeth that sparkled in the sunlight. My boyfriend, Ethan, would be so envious if he knew what I was thinking about this girl, but in all honesty, I was complimenting her in a nonsexual way.

“Your sense of humor is outgoing. Use that with your other friends. People will like you. No, I am not wounded, nor am I here on a dare. I was truly attracted by your calm yet intellectual demeanor; thus, I want to be your buddy.”

“Ah! So, it’s about being friends with the first bencher, so you don’t have to worry about the study at all. You’re intelligent. I’ll give you that.”

This time I teased her, despite the fact that my restrained nature was still bothering me, but I managed to be carefree in her company.

She mimicked my face with a playful sparkle in her eyes.
“Being friends with me won’t hurt. Please believe me. I’ll give you the true definition of friendship, and if you say no, I won’t spear you at all.”
She makes me roll my eyes.

“So, you’re saying that if I rejected your friendship, you’ll become Regina from Mean Girls?”

“Hey, love that movie but you’re becoming judgmental not all blonde girls are mean.”

“We’ll talk about it later; I’m running late for the lecture, and if you want to be my buddy. Rule number one is not to miss anything because I don’t have any other buddies to take notes from.”

We both laugh at each other, throwing punches at each other, unaware that the jabs will become fatal later on.

To be continued…

