Announcing Our Lead Editor for Modern Women: Adeola

It’s a new era at Modern Women

Megan Llorente
Modern Women


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Every journey in life has a natural end. After 17 months of managing this beautiful publication, it’s time for me to pass the reins to someone new.

Life is taking me in new directions and I wanted to find someone just as passionate about supporting the voices of women through Medium.

I’m happy to announce that ADEOLA SHEEHY-ADEKALE will be taking over as the Lead Editor for Modern Women.

With Adeola at the helm, I have no doubt that the heartfelt stories of women will continue to have a wonderful home in this publication.

Fun tip: Adeola is also part of the beta group for Medium Curators so she can help to boost the work of our incredible writers!

Congratulations Adeola! I look forward to seeing the fresh ideas to support Modern Women moving forward.

With gratitude,



Megan Llorente
Modern Women

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @