Bold and High Women Empower Other Women, They Do Not Put Them Down

Strong woman, a strong aura.

IJaveria Ansari
Modern Women
4 min readMay 19, 2022


Group of women sitting on a gray concrete stairs
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

We have arisen from the ground and we have shown the world beautifully how amazing we can be.

And even right up ’til now, women are fighting backward thinking and trying to show the whole world that we are more than just mothers.

We are battling to track down a spot to flaunt our insight and find an astonishing vocation while as yet being an astounding mother.

On the street to progress (I mean on the road to success and dreamed life), rather than make a healthy relationship and of course, tackle the world and worries with strength but we more often fight against one another.

We clash with different ladies just to reach a point that has adequate room for us all.

So for what reason don’t we loan some assistance to show that there is sufficient bliss, enough work, enough administrative roles for ladies out there, so we can vanquish them generally together?

We need to engage and empower each other, rather than putting each other down!

We gotta empower each other with love and respect instead of putting each other down.

And that is what the meaning of being a strong woman is all about!

Do you have any idea how often the outcome of one lady has propelled millions from one side of the planet to the other?

Due to that one lady, there are such countless women out there who are wary of being attacked and mishandled, they ascend and they talk, they believe their words should be heard!

We rush also quick to pass judgment, so speedy to express a negative thought, and so fast to put each other down, but why? Since we are battling in a man’s reality?

In any case, let me let you know that the most awful time for two ladies to clash, to be desirous of each other, and to cause each other to feel hopeless is the point at which they battle about a man.

‘Sisters before the misters’ ought to be our hymn! Is there some way you, me, and every lady on this globe can remember that long enough to recollect that no man out there genuinely deserves losing an Ah-mazing lady from our life?

We call each other traitors, prostitutes, and bitches, we toss around these words as though their genuine significance of them is our secret uncertainties.

For that equivalent explanation, how about we simply recollect that a lady ought to never clash with another lady, especially not over a man.

Simply envision that multitude of unimaginable things we can accomplish for one another, the astounding things we can begin, and that multitude of beautiful things that we can become assuming we help one another.

We are still in a day and age where a solitary lady can’t confront a world administered by men without anyone else. Thus, we need to show each other ways that we have taken, the manners in which we have vanquished issues, just to help.

Judgment and hate take up a lot within recent memory. They poison our spirits and they cause us to fail to remember the last destination.

Simply recall the harmfulness that overpowers your body at whatever point you become jealous, at whatever point you wish for one more lady to come up short.

Recall how appalling you are feeling while at the same time putting another person down, especially your female warrior.

So let me ask you: Why??

We have neglected to focus on the big image view while attempting to beat one another.

Assuming that you have neglected it, the big image view is a reality where a lady has equivalent privileges to a man. A reality where a lady can pick how she will manage her career and all the things.

The higher perspective incorporates us all being in our homes and ready to confront our victimizers and shout out about our difficulties.

So for what reason did such an astounding reason turn into the justification behind ladies clashing against one another?

Women, transcend the disgrace of never being sufficient. Transcend the possibility that there is a bad situation for us all at the top.

Speak loudly, raise your voice, not so you can yell or shout, not so you can turn down the volume, but rather so you can be the voice that moves different and inspires other ladies.

Be the assistance to connect with other female fellow warriors who can’t tolerate upping for themselves, and be the one sufficiently able to assist somebody with moving toward progress.

Since that is what a genuinely tough lady does. She doesn’t stroll toward the aim without help from anyone else yet she leads others toward that aim also.

Simply kindly make sure to praise that astounding lady the following time she strolls past you in the city.

Make sure to say that you’re glad for every one of the ladies in your life and urge them to go for what they put stock in.

That is the most ideal way for empowering each other. We have had enough Individualities In the world putting us down.

Yet It Is the ideal time to ascend again.

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Always Grateful,
IJaveria Ansari

As always I think I love to add this lady called Megan Llorente to my articles, don’t forget to check her stories.

Thank You!



IJaveria Ansari
Modern Women

Writing makes me feel alive, Words heal me. I'm a blogger, article, SEO, and freelance writer. If you want to contact me: