Can I Just Be The Wifey Of A Man With Money?

I grew up believing that being the wifey of a man with money was the epitome of success…

Erika G
Modern Women
3 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by cottonbro studio

At 27 years old, perched on the precipice of a life defined by societal norms and my own aspirations, I’ve lived with a narrative deeply ingrained in the fabric of my existence. It’s a story carefully crafted while gazing at the streets of my third-world country, a tale of women and their pursuit of security through men of wealth. ‘Wifey of men with money’ — a phrase that has both haunted and intrigued me for a long time now.

I grew up believing that being the wifey of a man with money was the epitome of success. To be witty, educated and gracing the arm of a wealthy man seemed like the ultimate achievement. But as the days turned into years, a realization dawned on me. While there’s nothing inherently wrong in desiring a partner who is financially secure, my journey should not be defined solely by who I’m with. It’s about who I am and who I want to become.

In a world where a woman’s ambition is often overshadowed by her marital status, I decided to carve my own path (or at least took the decision to do so). To be the woman with money, with ideas, with a voice. It’s a challenging path, especially here, where every stride by a woman towards success is scrutinized and judged. But the true satisfaction comes not from merely walking this path but from paving it.

Sitting alone in a high-end restaurant, enjoying my cigar (because yes, I like cigars), I’m acutely aware of the looks thrown my way. They see a young woman, seemingly abandoned, left to her own devices; others perhaps envy the freedom I exude. They don’t see the nights spent working, the ideas nurtured, the relentless pursuit of a dream that’s mine alone (even if it hasn’t been completed yet but is on a good path, though). I chose to be the woman who draws attention not for her associations but for her power and — one day — her successful career.

They don’t see the balance I seek to strike — a life where my partner and I are equals, where my achievements are not overshadowed but celebrated. My intelligence, my natural beauty — these have been my companions all along.

So, as I sit here, basking in the solitude of my choice, I realize that this isn’t just about money or success, I’m not just a woman in a restaurant. I’m a symbol of change, a light for every woman who has ever been told that her dreams are too big, her ambitions too bold.

I am not just aiming to be a ‘wifey’ of a man with money. I am striving to be a woman of substance, a woman of power, a woman whose worth is defined not by her partner but by her own relentless pursuit of success. It’s about rewriting the script of what it means to be a woman in a world that often tries to define us by who we’re with, rather than who we are.

I dream of a life where I’m recognized for my intellect, my resilience and my achievements. Yes, I could choose a life of comfort, aligning with a wealthy man. But deep down, I know that the luxury that comes with it would never equate to the fulfillment of my own accomplishments.

This story, my story, is about breaking stereotypes, about showing that a woman’s ambition to build her empire is as valid as her desire for a partner who has built his. It’s about changing the narrative, about showing that a woman’s success isn’t a threat to societal norms but an evolution of them.

In this realization, I find my true strength. It’s a message to every woman: It’s not about choosing between being with a man of wealth or being the woman with wealth. It’s about knowing that you have the power to be either, or both, on your own terms.



Erika G
Modern Women

Life analyst turned wordsmith. Transforming thoughts into quips, one witty reflection at a time.