Choose The Beast


Shanelle Hicks
Modern Women


Photo by T L on Unsplash

they train us to be afraid

condition us from young girls
to dread the untamed wild
and its famished inhabitants who crave our flesh

we stroll cautiously into the deep woods

laces tight
and thick hoods in resistance against the bitter cold

never daring to wander alone into the dense unknown
where every snap of a twig signals an approaching beast

but there were no warnings
of the predators who stalk among us
camouflaged as harmless prey

their eyes gleam with a sinister hunger

whose smiles shield knives as sharp as their intent
masking their true nature
with impeccable grooming and domestication
while hypnotizing us into a false sense of security

but behind their perfected facades
lies the true apex predator
that reeks of entitlement
fueled by unchecked dominance

they hunt and feed off their kind



Shanelle Hicks
Modern Women

An indie beauty, poetry and business enthusiast who lives in all capitals. Advocacy for equitable relationships for couples. Founder @thrustbeauty