Confessions of an Overachiever

Like any other addiction, it eventually catches up to you.

K. Queen
Modern Women


Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Seven tasks of varied origins. That’s how much it took to make me feel accomplished and settle my nerves. It’s been at least three years so I would not be able to recall the exact line item, but I will never forget the number.

I discovered the number while trying to figure out how to replicate that feeling. One by one I went through each item until I had a count of seven. Seven tasks were completed by the end of a Saturday. It was not just seven tasks, but they varied in type and skills needed to execute.

Satisfaction with how I executed my day finally had a metric. I could get another “hit” any time I wanted to feed my addiction.

It’s always been this way

“Sleeping past 8:00 (am) is lazy.” A claim that stuck with me for my entire life. My dad would pull the covers off our sleeping bodies to wake us up. Repetitiveness does make a habit. He did not have to do that too long before I became a permanent early riser.

When picking college courses I chose the 8:00 am start courses. My peers thought that was weird, but didn’t we get up that early in high school? Why would anyone start their day so late? That is lazy?



K. Queen
Modern Women

Working mother, wife, and middle-aged Black woman rekindling my love for writing with articles & stories that hope to inspire, motivate, and provoke thought.