Creating a Safe Space: Nurturing a Girl’s Emotional Well-being

Because A Girl’s Feelings Equals Her Boundaries

Misha Naraniya
Modern Women
4 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by Nikita Tumbaev on Unsplash

When it comes to a girl’s feelings, everyone ignores her. No one cares about her feelings, on the contrary, everyone is busy troubling her, whereas this shouldn’t happen at all.

Recently, I was reading a novel in which is a friendship between a Girl and a Boy. The girl considers him as her best friend, but the Boy has a special feelings for her. He loves her from the bottom of his heart, and there is nothing wrong with it.

He wrote a 32-page letter for her, in which he opened his heart to her, seeing that anyone’s heart would melt. While reading the 32-page letter, the Girl got shocked, How does he know every tiny thing about me like; From dresses to matching ribbons, clips, or headbands. What was I wearing when he saw me on the very first day? He also knows, when I’m nervous, I blink my eyes repeatedly and snap my fingers.

But still, this letter couldn’t melt her heart because she has always considered him her best friend, nothing apart from that.

She then called him and asked him to meet her.

He was so excited.

But his excitement got vanished, when she said, NO. Can we be friends only?

He was upset and he felt like his world is torn apart.

Now you must be thinking of What did that boy do after?

No, no. No need to worry. The boy didn’t do anything that hurt the girl. He respected her feelings. He didn’t try to break the boundaries.

Gradually, he braced himself and moved on.

Now the Boy is the father of a cute little girl named “Minty”.

He and the girl are still good friends and whenever He/She comes to visit him/her with their spouses, they meet warmly.

So this was just a story, but how many people do the same thing that the boy did?

Only a few! Some harass the girl, and some defame her.

If you love someone then it’s not necessary she has the same feelings.

Remember one thing, A girl’s NO means NO, that’s it.

Why Feel So Bad?

We’ll have loved someone at some point in our life. And we’ll have expressed our love in front of them whom we love so much. But they have refused our feelings by saying this that we can be friends only, nothing apart from that. Then how do we feel at that time?

Feels so bad, naa

But why feel so bad?

If She hasn’t any feelings for you it is okay.

Why do you make it a big issue? Why do you then start to stalk her? Why do you then start to threaten her? Why do you become such a person which you shouldn’t be?

She has feelings. She has her own life. She has never seen you that way apart from her friend. For her, you are only her friend, that’s it.

If she wants you as her best friend then let it be, naa. I’m not saying that your feeling is not matter. It matters actually and everyone respects it, even your crush also.

My point of view is when you love someone and She rejects you then why do you start to revenge on her? Why do you not understand her feelings?

If she hasn’t any feelings for you then respect her feelings. You shouldn’t go into anxiety or depression and be addicted to alcohol, it’s just ridiculous. You should move on and grow up further in your life.

Friendship is a beautiful thing

Pals, friendship is such a wonderful thing that remains long-lasting. And there are not any conditions in friendship. The simple meaning of friendship is to respect your friends.

Friendship is such kind of relationship which we make ourselves. We ourselves choose our friends. There will be hardly anyone who has never made friends. Friendship is a beautiful emotion. Never play with this beautiful feeling only because of your own sake.

Always consider this quote,

“A girl and a boy can be friends”.

So friends, if you’re in such a beautiful relationship, then please don’t lose it just for your sake.

The Bottom Line

At last, I just wanna say make a promise to yourself that you never make a mockery of your friendship. You’ll always respect your friend’s feelings. Whenever you’ll meet your friend, always say this, “You are such a Gem which I never want to lose”!



Misha Naraniya
Modern Women

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