
Cultivate the Beginner’s Mindset

Keep yourself curious while building your career

Mariana Carvalho
Modern Women
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2023


Photo by Joshua Lanzarini on Unsplash

The beginner’s mindset refers to the attitude of a professional who is just starting to learn or engage in a new activity, skill, or field.

As we progress in our careers, we transform: we learn new things, we evolve in our beliefs, we get more understanding of situations, we become more tolerant, and we open space for new opportunities. And what was once a novelty becomes common and “normal” for our standards. We feel more comfortable in specific situations, and we get more familiar with the technologies, systems and processes of our work. It is normal. Our brains adapt, and we become less curious about certain things.

But, to stay relevant as a professional and keep the transformation going, it is important to embrace the beginner’s mindset. A mindset of someone who is just starting. Someone that is curious, willing to learn more, and willing to take (now more measured) risks.

When I was working with my career coach, she told me that I was very curious about a certain technology topic, and that showed my beginner’s mindset, even though I already had 5+ years of experience. It is usually a good trait, and recruiters, companies and clients appreciate that attitude.



Mariana Carvalho
Modern Women

Writer, researcher. Latino 30 Under 30. Sharing my experience along the way • Connect