Dear Men… Please Stop Raining on Women’s Parade

This is my message for a handful of men who love to quip women’s hobbies when, well, they are not invited to begin with

Tiara Larasati
Modern Women
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Credit: Author’s Personal Documentation

Recently, my Instagram Story has been filled with makeup and skincare routine template. As a person who has FOMO disease, you bet I will join the trend and upload an Instagram Story using that template. There is an excitement in following that trend and there’s another excitement knowing what my friends’ makeup and skincare routine.

It is so fun watching my friends, both women and men, so enthusiastic sharing their makeup and skincare routine. I also think that those Instagram Stories are harmless and might be useful for some people.

So can we all agree that this trend is actually harmless and nice? Apparently not. Because even this harmless trend are not safe from a handful of men who just love to rain on girls parades.

When I open X, I found two videos which quip women who upload their skincare and makeup routine using those harmless templates in Instagram. Lots and I mean lots of women are infuriated with those videos. Why do these handful of men (I said handful because I don’t want to generalize all men) love to involve themselves in women’s affairs that they are not even invited.

The first video that I saw showed a man with condescending voice say that he knew that the skincare and makeup that these women show in the template are expensive and then telling the women to pay their Paylater.

Meanwhile, the other video is more irritating than the first one because it seems to tell that the women who join the trend are actually fishing for praise. I know that the intention of the videos are just for jokes but it’s not funny. It’s more condescending.

Me and lots of women on X are furious and confused. Why do these handful of men love to interfere in women’s affair and many times seeing women as creatures with negativity?

Those video made women on X share their experiences with these kind of men who love to belittle women’s love to makeup. Most of the story I found start with men ask for how much the makeup cost them and end with, “do you think these expensive makeup will help you get a man?”

I mean… what? They really got the audacity to think that women who wear makeup are trying to get men? Please! Us, women, wear makeup for our own satisfaction and also to get praise from the other women (because let’s be real, it feels much more rewarding to get your makeup praised by women than men. Agree?)

Those videos and stories made me realized how often that women’s hobbies are teased and considered as trivial. Because of this, a couple of questions popped in my head. First, why are feminine hobbies considered trivial by men meanwhile women never belittle the more masculine hobbies? I almost never find women who mock men who love football. But I almost always find men ridicule women for their love of makeup.

Second question is why can’t these men leave us with our hobbies just like we do with your hobbies?

My point is I just want these handful of men to mind their own business. Stop interfere women with their hobbies and also stop thinking that women do their hobbies to get your attention. Newsflash, we don’t think about men 24/7 just like you don’t think about us 24/7. Us, women, have lives and interests which surprise surprise are not always related to you. So to keep it short: just mind your own business and STOP rain on girls parade.



Tiara Larasati
Modern Women

I try to write something that bother me so I dont pent up my feelings. If my writing somehow relates to you, that will be the greatest thing for sure!