Defying The Old Dog Stereotype

I am a woman of AARP age who welcomes learning new things.

A.J. Cralle (she, her)
Modern Women
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2023


It was Halloween! I don’t smoke IRL! Photo owned by author.

Three years ago, I woke up and found an entire novel had appeared in my head as I slept. My first thought was WTF is happening?

I was not a novelist. I had zero education or experience with creative writing except for a college level writing class I took over thirty-five years ago plus the odd paragraph here or there.

And I was not young.

It would be ill-advised for me to try to pull the novel out of my head, right? I was not the spring chicken crossing the road with a bounce in my step and a Mona Lisa smile on my face, enjoying the thought of people everywhere wondering why. I was the old dog with “an age appropriate amount of arthritis” in my knees who stereotypically could not be taught new tricks.


I wanted to be taught. How to write a novel.

I found a fabulous creative writing coach. She was against taking me on as a student, at first. I was 20 years older than her. I believed I was harboring a 320 page unwritten novel in my brain. She suggested I see a neurologist for a scan.



A.J. Cralle (she, her)
Modern Women

💜DIABETES TYPE 2: Little Pricks Suck💜 AJ.’s the mom of a Q+ family living in a cottage w/ a periwinkle front door. Editor@Sweary Mommy & Editor@Modern Women