Do People Transform?

Can people change their personality traits?

Surbhi Tak
Modern Women
4 min readApr 15, 2024


Photo by <a href=”">Suzanne D. Williams</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

This question might have crossed so many minds during reflection and introspection.

In life, we often get stuck in routines and become accustomed to our surroundings. As humans, we all undergo various experiences that mold us into who we are today. However, we tend to adapt to similar situations that we face repeatedly. Either we choose to stay in the same pattern unconsciously, or we choose to block the experiences so that we don’t have to feel any negative emotions. We don’t alter any of our personality traits, habits, and attitudes.

As I was growing up, I noticed that people rarely discussed their experiences in a deeper way. They didn't talk about how they felt physically in the body, emotionally in their mind and mentally in their thoughts; they didn’t take accountability for their actions or find ways to think positively about themselves, others, and the situation. Of course, they always talked about the experiences as stories.

Due to the same reasons, sometimes people carry feelings of resentment, guilt, loss, and feeling forced or disrespected for their whole lives. This could lead them to attack or traumatize others through their words or actions or to become people-pleasers by putting others or society on a pedestal and allowing them to cross their boundaries. Some may even end up in the same kind of fake relationship for the sake of their family and society, asking themselves, “What would people/society say?”

These negative emotions can impact everyone’s life in some way or another. For some, it can affect their health as the mental turmoil turns into a physical crisis. For most people, it can create limiting beliefs that reside in our subconscious because of such experiences. Sadly, we have been passing these limiting beliefs from one generation to another and they have been running certain aspects of our life.

As mentioned earlier, I have observed that people tend to adjust their lifestyle according to their experiences and beliefs. For instance, when their financial situation improves, some people may choose to upgrade their living standards by buying a better house, hiring a housemaid, purchasing a car, or creating a garden. Some may also change their dressing style or travel more frequently. I have also noticed that some people may switch to a vegetarian diet or vice versa, based on superstitions or the belief that doing so will bring them good luck or fortune.

However, I haven't seen people change their personalities in terms of their attitudes, behaviors, mindsets, and habits to lead a better life and become a better version of themselves for themselves, the people around them, and the planet.

We all are born with a specific personality- inborn personality traits and values, so the question arises:

“Do we have the potential to transform and change gradually to become a better version of ourselves?”

Photo by <a href=”">Marc-Olivier Jodoin</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

We absolutely have the emotional capacity and physical capability to change the aspects of our personalities, which would help us grow and allow us to live and build a better life.

If you want to go down that path, you need to have a “specific mindset”. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. You need to be self-aware and have a good understanding of yourself. Spend time alone and get to know yourself better.

2. Developing new habits, attitudes, or mindsets takes time. Be patient, kind, and understanding with yourself.

3. The desire to improve yourself should come from within, not from external pressure. If you have genuine motivation and willpower, you will be able to succeed.

4. Changing your habits, attitudes, or personality traits can be difficult, as it may bring up insecurities and limiting beliefs upfront. Be prepared to feel uncomfortable at times.

5. The process of self-improvement or healing is not always linear. There may be setbacks along the way, but consistency is key.

6. Take help or support from a professional or a family member to navigate those changes if you feel overwhelmed and can’t regulate your emotions.

It is easier to achieve in the digital age as knowledge and resources are more accessible.

I have been an ambitious person and I have had to adapt a lot as I gained more life experiences.

However, I was only able to make changes to my personality when I became self-aware of my behaviors and patterns.

I felt a genuine desire to grow and shed parts of my old self that weren't serving me. I spent quality time with myself, gave myself permission to feel my emotions (both good and bad), chose to prioritize myself, allowed myself to be vulnerable, weird and disconnected during the transition phase, and held my own hand as I moved forward.

That “specific mindset” is called PERSONAL GROWTH. It’s a value.

Some people have it as an inborn trait, and some people develop it over time. Or, probably, we all have it as an inborn trait, but only people who learn to tap into it can access it.

Are you ready to experience the magic of it? :)

Because when you change your inner world, the outer world will be a better place to live in.

Photo by <a href=”">SOULSANA</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>
Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash



Surbhi Tak
Modern Women

Swinging in the pendulum of thoughts to understand and gracefully live the so called “BEAUTIFUL AND INTRIGUING LIFE”. Product Designer I Empowerment coach