Do We Really Do Anything Just For Ourselves?

Or do we hide behind the idea that we do?

Maria Garcia
Modern Women
Published in
6 min readJul 27, 2024


Another friend of mine got fillers in this week.

She video called me, warning me that she couldn’t talk much because her lips were still swollen.

“The swelling will go down and they’ll look more natural in a few days” she said, justifying herself before I had even said anything.

This particular friend of mine has always had quite small lips. I’ve always thought they suited her though, and fit perfectly with the rest of her face, but maybe that’s just because it’s what I’m used to seeing.

“I feel so much better now,” she continued, “this was something I needed to do for myself.”

The fillers looked good, and my friend will always look beautiful to me, but I can’t put to rest the burning question that always churns under my skin when someone undergoes a cosmetic surgery for aesthetic purposes:

Do we really do anything just for ourselves?

Several women my age — somewhere in their late twenties and early thirties — have already undergone a few of these kinds of procedures.

