Don’t Allow Fear & Anxiety To Detract Your Goals

Stay steadfast

Destiny S. Harris
Modern Women


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Fear can be an indomitable force if we allow it to be. Will you allow fear to run your life, or will you stay in control? Easier said than done — especially when our fears seem real in every sense, and our minds are running at 200 mph contemplating all of the worst-case scenarios.


Become aware.

Embrace consciousness.

Be the observer, the watcher, the one who sees all objectively.

Realize that this moment is all you have and will ever have.

Recognize that you are endowed with everything you need to face any situation.

Recognize the perfection that surrounds you; only focus on the good, so you will only attract more good into your life.

Say to yourself several times a day: I release fear, anxiety, and all negativity from my mind, heart, life, and spirit.

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