Excuse Me, I'm Not A Mother. Can I Complain About My Life?

The conflicts between mothers and non-mothers

Lila Juno
Modern Women


Black and white picture with a woman showing her tongue.
Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

When I moved to Spain with my husband and my cat, the beginning was not easy.

My husband and I got pretty sick in the first week. Even when we got a bit better, the symptoms prolonged for thirty days or more. We had problems with the Airbnb owner we stayed for the first month, who was totally unfair to us. And to complete, he didn't give us back an electronic device we forgot in the apartment when we left.

Among all of it, small issues and blocks were happening. Everything you can imagine that could go wrong went.

One day, we went to the house of a friend of mine in Portugal. He lived there with his wife and toddler.

While we chatted, I told about our initial frustration. We were feeling a transplanted organ being rejected by the body. The city we moved didn't like us. We were visibly tired and sad.

But then I was interrupted by the wife of my friend. She said that all the things I was narrating were not a problem at all compared to her problems. Her problem was much bigger because instead of being in Brazil to have family support to raise her child, they were in Portugal alone with a kid to deal with.

