Finding Peace: A Tribute to My Dad

Finding peace before it’s too late protected me from more heartache.

Modern Women


A sunset over a beach. And four birds flying over
Photo by Arusfly 🐋 on Unsplash

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Sometimes life plays cruel tricks on us; it tests us in ways that not everyone experiences and pushes us to our limits. Sometimes life removes relationships with people who should be essential to our being, testing us to the extreme.

I was estranged from my dad, someone I adored as a little girl, for close to 20 years throughout my adolescence and early adult life. The loss was a tough situation. I often wondered, Why me? Why did my dad have to suck?

The situation allowed me to mature quickly and to value those who supported me. It also taught me the importance of forgiveness and acceptance.

Over the years, I forgave my dad and forgave him for myself; I did not want to carry any resentment in my heart. I did not want to have any negative energy consume me. I wanted to live and let live.

My dad's funeral was yesterday; he died of a heart attack, completely unexpected by everyone.

I wrote him a tribute, which unfortunately, much to my family's disappointment, his wife chose to cut out of the programme on the morning of the funeral.



Modern Women

Using my writing to share personal experiences and thoughts, hoping to inspire you to shine bright.