Folding Laundry While Working Out
Can Give You Peace of Mind

Ellen Burford
Modern Women
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2022
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Some people get their full workout in uninterrupted; I am typically not one of those people. You would think that since I don’t have a job, I would have a ton of time to workout, but most days that is not the case. I am typically juggling a lot of projects or tasks that need to get accomplished.

I used to let this stop me from working out. I used to think that if I couldn’t do a workout without interruptions it wasn’t worth it. Changing that mindset has changed my life!

I now work out when I have time to squeeze it in and still accomplish other tasks. If the weather is nice, I go for a walk. That eliminates this dilemma because I am gone from the house. Most days, I end up riding my spin bike. So, I hop on my bike and get to riding. Then I hop off, switch the laundry over, maybe throw in a new load, and then hop back on the bike to ride some more. I have even stopped to post something on social media for our school and started uploading a YouTube video from the previous night’s game.

My workout time increases from about 30 minutes to an hour (or longer), but it gives me peace of mind. I have completed some of the tasks I need to do around the house and worked out.

Next time you think you have too much to do to spend time working out, try my method. You will feel much better after you finish working out and doing laundry!



Ellen Burford
Modern Women

Wife, mom, foster parent. I quit teaching about 3 years ago to start a ministry to support foster parents in our area.