Growing Up Gracefully

Navigating the Joys and Challenges of Parenthood

Khateja Karim
Modern Women
4 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by: Khateja Karim (Me)

08. November.2024 (09.38 AM), A day to remember when I gave birth to my firstborn, Khalis Yusuf, a day that I became a mother and parent, a day that I could imagine how joyful my life was knowing that my child, 9 months 10 days was born. The journey of watching my baby grow and evolve has been nothing short of extraordinary. My heart and soul capture the essence of the joys, challenges, and surprises that have unfolded along the way.

The first moment I held my priceless asset in my arms, I knew my life would change in a way I had never seen before. Nothing compares to the total delight I get when I feel the love that is unwavering and permeates every part of me. It reminds me of the endless happiness that comes with being a parent – every smile, every whisper, every small hand reaching out to hold mine. The ideal match that failed to capture the vitality of my brand-new life was my first child, to whom I gave suck

But even in the excitement, there are moments of uncertainty and hesitancy. I feel like I have a lot of work ahead of me as I manage all the challenges that come with raising a child. Sleepless nights blend into days full of constant diaper changes, consoling tears, and sincere wishes for a brief respite. When I’m tired, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and forget that every loss serves as evidence of how much I love my child. But they were amazing times that I never regretted because they are fleeting.

It’s possible to find beauty in the mundane, even amidst the chaos. The day my significant other and I were so pleased that we couldn’t stop laughing and smiling, that’s when I discovered the true meaning of resilience: seeing my child take their first tentative steps. Listening to the laughter that reverberates throughout our home and the sound of boundless joy that fills the space, I learn the allure of finding contentment in even the smallest of moments. Until now, I have been pleading and petitioning constantly, so I wish these minutes never end.

Photo by: Khateja Karim (Me)

Time passes quickly as days grow into weeks and weeks into months. My youngster is developing so quickly that I’m continually amazed. Every victory they acquire brings them delight and serves as confirmation of the great exploratory journey we are embarking on.

The things that most amaze me are our daily rambling chats and their first toothless smile. My child amazes me with how much potential they have. Even though I’m amazed at how far they’ve come, I can’t help but feel a little depressed since I realise that childhood is only a temporary stage in life. During these peaceful moments of reflection, I find that life is truly brief and precious while I watch my child sleep soundly in their cot.

But I neglected to explain that, amid our delight, a storm was brewing at the end of 2019 when COVID-19 surfaced and brought sadness rather than gladness. I remember that terrible year when it was believed that my child had COVID-19. Fortunately, though, we managed to survive. We are grateful for the opportunity to observe life’s wonders and guide and assist this priceless soul on its journey of self-discovery.

Photo by: Khateja Karim (Me)

The year changed, and when my baby started his first preschool, it was a challenge as a parent when we needed to send him alone. Our house felt empty; no cries, no words, Mama and Papa, no laughter, etc. We realized that we were nothing without our son. I am so grateful that he is growing so well.

Parenthood isn’t only about sleepless nights and dirty diapers. Rather, it is my deep sympathy for my child, as well as the realisation that every sacrifice and unending uncertainty is compensated for by witnessing my child grow and develop into a unique individual.

Photo by: Khateja Karim(Me)

As I write these stories, I am struck with admiration and awe at the enormity of the road ahead. Observing my child’s development reminds us of our own limitless possibilities and potential. And for that, I am quite grateful. Alhamdulillah.





Khateja Karim
Modern Women

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