He Said He Loved Me, But Got Someone Else Pregnant

He broke the news to me in his car

Darlene López
Modern Women


A story about love and betrayal — Photo by RDNE Stock project

“What was your biggest heartbreak?” was the question I stumbled upon in a weekly newsletter. Naturally, I found myself lost in deep thought, questions flooding my mind about the man who broke my heart seven years ago.

Is he married? Does he have more kids? Where does he live now? Is he happy?

I was twenty-six when I met him. He liked what he saw on Instagram and slid into my DMs. After dismissing him a few times, a year later, we were having drinks at a local bar. He admired the fact that I took my drink any time I went to the bathroom. Having sisters himself, he appreciated my caution in not entrusting my drink alone with a guy I had just met.

We went on many dates, engaged in infinite conversations over the phone and through text. We discovered that we had a lot in common, including sharing the same birth month. Interestingly, his birthday falls just a day after mine. For some reason, I believed that the coincidence of sharing the same birth month signified a destined connection between us. Silly girl.

Our relationship remained uncertain for a full year, and I was never quite sure what to call it. It was one of those “what are we?” situation-ships where I was never officially his. Nevertheless, we…

