Hold On Little Stars

Hard days too shall pass

Modern Women
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/silhouette-of-personr-TzVN0xQhWaQ)

Maybe I tried holding tight

The whole world right- over my head.

I wanted everything to be pitch-perfect.

I wished to be good, then better, and the best.

But often I was overwhelmed with my whims.

Sometimes forgetting the rules I was taught.

I tried to be a whole

But I fall into pieces

And reduced to less than half.

My whole body aches in utter frustration.

I feel tinny, painful & lost.

Still, I keep assuring myself-

It’s all fine,

Though it isn’t and never was.

I tried fitting in but only kept falling apart.

It might have been easier

If I could stop struggling

For the life I dreamed of.

But I’m restless to live my endless dreams.

And in this massive disgrace,

I aimlessly look at those shining stars,

Which travelers see in the night sky.

Silently they tell me stories of lost voyagers,

And of those, who then again had found their paths.

Hold on there little stars,

Shine brightly from there,

I’m lost and You mean a lot to me.

In this ruthless, endless sea.

(I’m glad you have read the piece! Please leave your valuable comments, which could inspire me to write more and help me develop my work. I appreciate the time and effort you took, Thank You!)

