How My Dream Came True Even When I Had No Hopes

Situations like these teach us to be patient for the best things

Kajal Kamani
Modern Women
2 min readFeb 17, 2024


A photo of the author

My husband and I have been trying for a while for a baby and finally, we did get pregnant around October 21, 2023. The luckiest day of our lives. ☺

Being pregnant might not be a huge deal for many women out there (no judgements at all). I mean many women are not ready even when the time is right or many women have genuine reasons for not being happy being pregnant.

But it was different with us. Getting pregnant had become our sole dream then. We were actually happy planning for a baby.

Time was right, we were mentally set to go and most importantly, we were excited together to welcome a new being that would resemble both of us.

Since I’ve been pregnant, there have been a lot of changes physically and mentally especially in my body, but obviously.

  • The first two months were a nightmare for me as I was not able to swallow anything. People are still shocked to know that I’ve quit tea since I was a die hard tea lover.
  • My back hurts like never before. I can’t sleep, sit or stand more than 10 minutes straight.
  • If I talk about mental health, I’ve become patient when compared to earlier. Maybe because I’m preparing myself for after the baby arrives.
  • I’m eating for two (sounds cliche but it is a fact). Even though I feel nauseated, I have to for my baby. Motherly affection even before actually becoming a mother…

Pregnancy is a journey that a woman cherishes for all her life. Feeling the baby kicks, when the baby is hungry inside, I suddenly feel an ache in my tummy. That’s how I know my baby is hungry.

The most amazing thing that we have been doing and enjoying is talking to our unborn baby.

Every night, we caress my tummy and talk about good values to our baby, express our endless and unconditional love for the baby.

Pregnancy affirmations are for real.

My professional life has paused but definitely worth it because giving birth to another human being is not less than a job but a job that I’d go to everyday without a break and without any regrets.

I’m so so grateful to God for giving me this opportunity and blessing of becoming a mother and letting me imbibe my values to our child.

If you’re new to my page, do read about me here:



Kajal Kamani
Modern Women

I love reading life stories. I either like to relate myself with the story or save it as an inspiration for later. Writer | Learner.