How One Intimate Female Friendship Inspired Beauty in Simple Moments

My college roommate and best friend taught me self-acceptance; I also saw why campus life shapes deeper bonds.

Alice Crady
Modern Women


the author and her friend Megan stand in front of a college dream board
Photo courtesy of the author — Megan and I during senior year

“I’m planning Megan’s birthday. It’s a scavenger hunt. Be at her favorite coffee shop by 2 p.m. tomorrow,” I explained to one of our friends as she nodded along.

For senior year, I designed an intricate series of celebratory events. I set up one-on-one meetings for Megan at her favorite local spots. She’d share a gift and an experience with one of her friends. I looped in her lover and planned for the rest of our crew to meet up at our favorite hibachi restaurant to celebrate Megan with drinks and candles.

She had no clue, and she loved it.

Similarly, Megan and another close friend had put together an amazing surprise party for my birthday. For the biggest surprise, they coordinated with my parents and got friends to pitch in to buy me a flight home for Thanksgiving. They’d even scheduled and arranged transportation on both ends for the airport. I felt beyond thrilled and grateful for such dear, thoughtful friends.

All dressed up, baby adults shaping resumes, we navigated and celebrated our lives together through those four college years. We…



Alice Crady
Modern Women

🦋 I uplift, inspire, and empower authentic human flourishing. I create transformative, hopeful, relatable content ❤️🕯 #Mental Health #Women #Relationships