How Somatic Yoga changed my life

Don’t waste time looking for external solutions; the answer is in your body.

Bethany Sadler-Jasmin (Beth J)
Modern Women


black and white image of a woman with crossed legs in yoga pose
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

As a constant problem solver and pattern seeker, it’s hard sometimes to turn my brain off. But there was a time in my life when I desperately needed to. I was binge eating, depressed, gaining weight, not exercising, and completely disconnected from the person I knew I was.

When you stop to think about all the shit you’ve been through, especially if you’ve had a bit of a rough go for an extended period, it can be eye-opening. You get on autopilot trying to survive, and you often forget that your body is storing all of your unprocessed trauma.

Last Fall, I felt that traditional therapy was no longer helping me. I was talked out, going in circles, and not gaining the clarity I needed to move to the next stage of my self-growth. I was stuck, and I needed a break from my brain. I had no desire to exercise then, but I knew one thing. I needed a different approach.

It was by chance that I saw a business card at a cafe that said “Yoga Therapy.” I paused, trying to imagine what a session like that might look like. Something about it intrigued me, though. It had been 6+ years since I’d done yoga, but I used to love it. So, I threw caution to the wind and called.



Bethany Sadler-Jasmin (Beth J)
Modern Women

Bethany is a UX Design Lead and burnout recovery coach. She writes about UX, humane design, burnout, and joy. Founder Verve & Soul Coaching + RebelSoul Digital.