How to Cope When Your Ex Starts Dating Again

Victoria Taylor
Modern Women
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2023

It can be painful if your ex has jumped back into the dating world and you see them on the apps. It’s also challenging to handle the news from friends who report that your ex has started seeing someone else. It’s normal to feel down. You might wonder if you should be dating again, too.

Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

Acknowledge Your Emotions

It might be easy to ignore desire or wounded sentiments and move on, but it’s healthier for your mental health to acknowledge them. Spend some time thinking things through. Problems arise when you try to ignore what you see or hear. Avoidance coping makes stress worse.

Some people feel shame about the relationship ending. Or they become furious with their ex and play the blame game. It’s better to view the situation with empathy to heal effectively.

Some people retaliate by snapping in rage when they find their lover has gone on. If it describes you, consider the cause. Is it resentment over your financial commitment to the partnership by assisting your ex-partner in paying off their auto loan?

Concentrating on your cognitive process is one approach to controlling your anger. Avoid making distorted, exaggerated, or disastrous assumptions. In this situation, you’d refrain from thinking they always get away with things or that you’ll never see that kind of money again.

Display Some Compassion for Yourself

It’s preferable to make conversations with your ex-partner and their new relationship civil and brief. Even when the breakup or divorce was your idea, it is still awkward. Research demonstrates that maintaining contact with an ex-spouse is linked to psychological discomfort.

Besides feeling distressed, you might go home and compare yourself with the new love interest. Your self-esteem could take a hit. After an unplanned run-in, you might even think your ex is more attractive than before. You might regret breaking up. Reconciling might come to mind.

Remember that you are vulnerable and that there are reasons why the relationship didn’t work out before you consider rekindling it. Their damaging tactics, such as gaslighting or love-bombing, should not be accepted.

The most excellent way to control your emotions is to practice self-compassion and forgiveness. Keep in mind that you are both people. By exercising self-control, overcoming problems, and getting help, you may develop resilience and bounce back from setbacks.

Test Your Dating Readiness

People recover in various ways. Be kind to yourself if the breakup was recent and you’re still feeling a little down.

Here are some indicators that you might not be ready to date right now:

  • You want to date because you feel empty.
  • You want to meet someone because you’re lonely.
  • You miss having sex.
  • You are trying to make your ex jealous.
  • You want a rebound relationship.
  • You don’t take responsibility for your role in the breakup.
  • You’re stalking your ex on social media.
  • You’re trash-talking your ex.
  • You’re romanticizing or idealizing your ex.
  • You’re ruminating about your ex.
  • You’re self-medicating.
  • You’re isolating yourself from friends.
  • You’re keeping photos and mementos of your ex on view.

Regarding your preparedness to meet someone new, be honest with yourself. You’ll be eager to meet someone new as soon as you’re powerful, self-assured, and confident. The next date should be then.

Techniques for Advancement

When your ex starts dating again, protect your physical and emotional health rather than turning to harmful coping techniques like binge drinking. It doesn’t necessarily indicate that your ex hasn’t mourned the split or that they don’t appreciate you just because they’re seeing someone else.

Here are some effective scientific remedies to ease your pain:

  • Build a simple self-care routine.
  • Embrace nature therapy.
  • Develop a meditation practice.
  • Enjoy creative pursuits (like drawing, writing, and dancing).
  • Focus on your happiness.
  • Seek companionship and accountability through a support group.

Finding out your ex is seeing someone else can significantly impact your daily routine and mental health. Reach out to loved ones who can, at the least, provide a comforting embrace and a fresh viewpoint.

Professional therapists can also provide you with a secure setting to address your hurt over your ex moving on. They could suggest reframing strategies to assist you in changing your perspective. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy are typical psychotherapies recommended in these circumstances (ACT).

This article was co-written with a therapist from Sensera — a self-help app that provides daily CBT audio sessions and exercises. The app helps people deal with various mental issues (anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship problems). Download now to become happier!



Victoria Taylor
Modern Women

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: