How To Nuke Your Narrow Viewpoint!

The Transformative Power Of Meeting People Where They Are (Creating Spaces Where Everyone Thrives).

Neela 🌶️
Modern Women
Published in
8 min readJun 30, 2024


Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat — most of us humans are happily paddling in our own little ponds, content to never dip a toe into different waters.

We’ve got our cultural norms all cozy and mapped out, thank you very much.

Questioning those warm, fuzzy assumptions?

About as appealing as shotgunning a nice glass of Admiral Nelson’s Premium Spiced Rum. (It tastes like nail polish, just in case you were wondering.)

But here’s the truth we all need to swallow: those rose-tinted lenses we’re looking through aren’t just obstructing the view; they’re basically blinding us to other realities.

You know, the ones where daily struggles and challenges don’t align with your brunch-at-a-boutique-cafe and luxury-spa-day lifestyle.

To actually connect with these divergent dimensions, you’ve got to do something drastic and uncomfortable — make a conscious effort to meet folks where they are instead of where you assume they should be.

And I’m not talking about some token “Oh, I use the correct pronoun” lip service. No, this is a full-on immersion…

