How To Overcome Feeling Invisible as a Woman

Fighting back when it feels like no one can see you

Stephanie D. Rondeau
Modern Women


Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash

Do any other moms ever feel like they could drift away into the wind, and all anyone might notice is a passing breeze?

Do you feel like you’re never seen or heard?

Recently, on the fan-favorite installation of The Bachelor franchise, The Golden Bachelor, a contestant—Joan—gave a soundbite that left many viewers reeling.

“Because as you get older, you become more invisible. People don’t see you anymore.”

Fans took to the internet to comment in the days after—the raw truth in her words striking home for many. It rang true for me, too.

But I don’t think it’s just older women. I think it’s moms.

It seems to happen overnight

Once a woman becomes a mom, there is at least some part of her that disappears. If not all of her.

Suddenly, every waking moment is about keeping another human alive. And as caring for her new baby becomes routine, she then disappears on a new level. Every thought, every action is based around the needs of her child.

So if it’s not just older women, when exactly do moms start to fade out of view?



Stephanie D. Rondeau
Modern Women

MS, ATC, CSCS. Kidlit author and editor, query liaison. Mostly writes about writing, health and wellness, feminism, and parenting. Occasionally funny.