I Never Kissed the Man I Was Probably Meant to Marry

Too Bad…. He Didn’t Kiss Me Either

S.M. Whiddon
Modern Women
Published in
8 min readAug 26, 2023


Photo by zelle duda on Unsplash

I can’t remember the day, the month, or for crying out loud even the year that it happened. I’m pretty sure it was right around 1997 or 1998, so let's go with that.

What I do remember is that feeling. I didn’t realize at the time that would be the only time in my life that I would ever feel that way. I was just a teenager and had never had a date much less a boyfriend so I figured this was how love worked and that this was how I was supposed to feel.

At the time I was a high school dropout and was working the night shift in a factory. I made socks. Not at all glamorous and it wasn’t going to make me rich but at the time it put a couple hundred dollars in my pocket and that was enough for me to get by.

I was on a break when it happened.

Photo by LuAnn Hunt on Unsplash

He walked into the break room and took my breath away. I realize that this is said all the time. It is even almost cliche to say it. This wasn’t just an instant attraction or a crush. My heart raced, my palms dripped with sweat. I loved this man and I just knew that I was going to marry him.

