I Sat Out Christmas For The First Time In My Life. Here’s What I learned.

Ene Ijato
Modern Women
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Ksenia Yakovleva on Unsplash

I have always loved Christmas, after all, it is supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year”. A slogan heavily supported by pretty lights, sparkling decorations, and Christmas songs that tingle our spirits. Memorable moments with loved ones. The barrage of cozy feel-good Christmas movies begging to be streamed and help fill our often monotonous lives with cheer.

As an avid disciple of slow living, relishing the holidays with slow and simple things has always been my ritual. Christmas mystery books, catalogs of holiday movies, trying out new recipes, and sharing meticulously on social media have been my constant holiday activities.

However this year, for the first time, I sat out Christmas. I did not bookmark lists of recipes in anticipation, put up decorations, or figure out my itinerary for the day. Why? I simply did not have the time!

The feeling of disconnect with Christmas this year has been shared by many people. My friends, colleagues, and connections on social media, who are at a time in their lives when they are figuring out careers and general life plans expressed disconnect from the festivities. The current sweep of economic instability across the world has been stated by many to be a huge contributor.

I just graduated from university last year and have harshly realized the reality of financial insecurity. Granted, I am lucky to have gotten a job I like that pays just enough to get by but not enough to quell the constant anxiety I now have about money. I find myself endlessly trying to figure out my life trajectory and getting lost in the planning as a result of juggling too much to fill in my days. Because it is a numbers game right? The consequence however is that when you try to pour the very limited parts of yourself into things that require more than you can give, you end up becoming overwhelmed and making limited progress.

So a week ago, I took a deep breath and asked myself some important questions about what I prioritized in my life. At the top of my list were a purposeful career and financial security, my romantic partnership, and community.

Now, this alone didn’t simplify things enough for me. Especially since I had a long list of things I find purpose through in my life. I had to keep zooming in on each item on the list asking myself important questions like what is it, why do you find it purposeful, and how can it help you achieve all the other things that matter most to you? I am a practical person. I like to understand likelihood and statistics when I make choices and I find that this helps me get rid of the anxiety I am often consumed by. So I ran these questions past my last filter and decided on what I needed to do.

Anyone who has put in work to achieve anything understands fully the hours of focus and persistence required. I started to put in the work. This meant I didn’t have time for a lot of other things that derailed my focus, Christmas included. And since arriving at my parent’s last minute for the holidays, I have spent close to every moment in front of my computer, putting in the work.

After sitting out Christmas, this is what I have realized. I knew I could have put this plan off for some time and simply try to enjoy the celebrations. But acting on it now help quell my anxiety and brought me fulfillment. Because sometimes important life choices can make you sit out on doing things you enjoy, and there is nothing wrong with reprioritizing as we journey through life figuring things out.

At a time when slowing down is a popular message, I believe it is important to know when to slow down, and when to go hard at working towards your goals. Everyone finds balance in their way, working at their pace.

I however look forward to next Christmas, hoping I am at my slow-down pace and get to celebrate. But in the meantime, I will be prioritizing something else that also makes me jolly.



Ene Ijato
Modern Women

Using various mediums to tell stories. Here I write about the world I observe and experience, while drinking a little too much coffee.